Sunday, December 29, 2019

Best Service Communication And Customer Service Essay

Best Service: Discussion The best service I encountered over the period of recording my service journals was at Back in Motion Physiotherapy in the Centre City Mall. The processes that Back in Motion have in place make the service. The service environment and customer service was excellent. I am still going to Back in Motion and their service hasn’t slipped at all. The environment was excellent because the business is private with frosted glass around the outside so no one can see in and the treatment rooms are also private. The waiting room was nice and warm and they had magazines, the daily newspaper and they also had a TV that always has who wants to be a millionaire on. On my first visit (the one used for the service encounter journal) the receptionist gave me an ACC form to fill out and told me what parts to leave and what I was required to fill out. They were running on time and the physio shook my hand and introduced himself. He asked me my whole history and listened to my story first before he tried to diagnose the problem and suggest a treatment plan. It was also easy to make conversation as he is our football club’s physio and we train on the same nights so we talked about football. I found the appointment reminder system great to, they text you the day before your appointment to remind you what time it is at. Back in Motion also markets to Polytech students through the student wall planner and student diaries, they also offer a student discount and also aShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Expedia Inc.885 Words   |  4 Pagescountries with the headquarters in Bellevue. The American based company is the parent company of numerous travel brands including the The website books the travel tickets, vacation packages, hotel reservations and a lot more services for its customers through the internet based tools and telephone. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Male Conception Prevention Pill A Systemic Strategy For...

Male Contraception Research Male birth control, or contraception keeps sperm from coming into contact with an egg and refrain the egg from fertilizing it. Thus, not allowing for the female from becoming impregnated by a male. For many years’ contraceptives have mostly been utilized by females with products including pills, vaginal rings, etc. For males there are two methodologies as of now accessible: condoms which come in many materials (mainly latex), which obstruct the sperm from entering the vagina, and vasectomy which is a medical procedure that prevents the sperm from leaving the penis during sexual encounters. Also, researchers are inquiring about the improvement of a male conception prevention pill. Research for a male anti-conception medication pill tantamount to the female contraception pill is centered around three methodologies: using the contraception which keeps males from producing sperm, hindering the motility of sperm, and altering how sperm interacts with an egg. This, implies the male conception prevention pill will be a systemic strategy for contraception – influencing numerous body frameworks. Scientists have led studies on two sorts of systemic anti-conception medication for men: hormonal male contraception and immunocontraception. Hormonal male contraception utilizes hormones that are infused, embedded, or taken orally to stop sperm generation, however this would turn around when the contraception is no more utilized. Immunocontraception is anShow MoreRelatedFluoridation Of Drinking Water Fluoridation Is A Great Case Of Clinical Perception Prompting Epidemiologic Examination And Group Based General1756 Words   |  8 Pagesfluoridation is a great case of clinical perception prompting epidemiologic examination and group based general wellbeing intercession. Albeit other fluoride-containing items are accessible, water fluoridation remains the most fair and practical strategy for conveying fluoride to all individuals from most groups, paying little respect to age, instructive achievement, or wage level. Dental Caries Dental caries is an irresistibleRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases35655 Words   |  143 Pagessingle correct scientific meaning; each field uses the term in different and often contradictory ways. Whereas matter originally (in Aristotelianhylomorphism) referred not to an independent thing, but to a co-dependent principle, the modern conception is that matter is a substance or entity unto itself, that is to say, it exists even apart from composing something else. Modern science identifies this substance through its physical properties; the most common current definition of matter is

Friday, December 13, 2019

Part Two Chapter III Free Essays

III Gavin cooked for Kay at his house that evening, opening tins and crushing garlic with a sense of ill-usage. After a row, you had to say certain things to secure a truce: those were the rules, everyone knew that. Gavin had telephoned Kay from his car on the way back from Barry’s burial and told her that he wished she had been there, that the whole day had been horrible and that he hoped he could see her that night. We will write a custom essay sample on Part Two Chapter III or any similar topic only for you Order Now He considered these humble admissions no more or less than the price he had to pay for an evening of undemanding companionship. But Kay seemed to consider them more in the light of a down payment on a renegotiated contract. You missed me. You needed me when you were upset. You’re sorry we didn’t go as a couple. Well, let’s not make that mistake again. There had been a certain complacency about the way she had treated him since; a briskness, a sense of renewed expectation. He was making spaghetti Bolognese tonight; he had deliberately omitted to buy a pudding or to lay the table in advance; he was at pains to show her that he had not made much of an effort. Kay seemed oblivious, even determined to take this casual attitude as a compliment. She sat at his small kitchen table, talking to him over the pitter-patter of rain on the skylight, her eyes wandering over the fixtures and fittings. She had not often been here. ‘I suppose Lisa chose this yellow, did she?’ She was doing it again: breaking taboos, as though they had recently passed to a deeper level of intimacy. Gavin preferred not to talk about Lisa if he could avoid it; surely she knew that by now? He shook oregano onto the mince in his frying pan and said, ‘No, this was all the previous owner. I haven’t got round to changing it yet.’ ‘Oh,’ she said, sipping wine. ‘Well, it’s quite nice. A bit bland.’ This rankled with Gavin, as, in his opinion, the interior of the Smithy was superior in every way to that of Ten Hope Street. He watched the pasta bubbling, keeping his back to her. ‘Guess what?’ she said. ‘I met Samantha Mollison this afternoon.’ Gavin wheeled around; how did Kay even know what Samantha Mollison looked like? ‘Just outside the deli in the Square; I was on my way in to get this,’ said Kay, clinking the wine bottle beside her with a flick of her nail. ‘She asked me whether I was Gavin’s girlfriend.’ Kay said it archly, but actually she had been heartened by Samantha’s choice of words, relieved to think that this was how Gavin described her to his friends. ‘And what did you say?’ ‘I said – I said yes.’ Her expression was crestfallen. Gavin had not meant to ask the question quite so aggressively. He would have given a lot to prevent Kay and Samantha ever meeting. ‘Anyway,’ Kay proceeded with a slight edge to her voice, ‘she’s asked us for dinner next Friday. Week today.’ ‘Oh, bloody hell,’ said Gavin crossly. A lot of Kay’s cheerfulness deserted her. ‘What’s the problem?’ ‘Nothing. It’s – nothing,’ he said, prodding the bubbling spaghetti. ‘It’s just that I see enough of Miles during work hours, to be honest.’ It was what he had dreaded all along: that she would worm her way in and they would become Gavin-and-Kay, with a shared social circle, so that it would become progressively more difficult to excise her from his life. How had he let this happen? Why had he allowed her to move down here? Fury at himself mutated easily into anger with her. Why couldn’t she realize how little he wanted her, and take herself off without forcing him to do the dirty? He drained the spaghetti in the sink, swearing under his breath as he speckled himself with boiling water. ‘You’d better call Miles and Samantha and tell them â€Å"no†, then,’ said Kay. Her voice had hardened. As was Gavin’s deeply ingrained habit, he sought to deflect an imminent conflict and hoped that the future would look after itself. ‘No, no,’ he said, dabbing at his wet shirt with a tea towel. ‘We’ll go. It’s fine. We’ll go.’ But in his undisguised lack of enthusiasm, he sought to put down a marker to which he could refer, retrospectively. You knew I didn’t want to go. No, I didn’t enjoy it. No, I don’t want it to happen again. They ate for several minutes in silence. Gavin was afraid that there would be another row, and that Kay would force him to discuss underlying issues again. He cast around for something to say, and so started telling her about Mary Fairbrother and the life insurance company. ‘They’re being real bastards,’ he said. ‘He was heavily insured, but their lawyers are looking for a way not to pay out. They’re trying to make out he didn’t make a full disclosure.’ ‘In what way?’ ‘Well, an uncle died of an aneurysm, too. Mary swears Barry told the insurance agent that when he signed the policy, but it’s nowhere in the notes. Presumably the bloke didn’t realize it can be a genetic thing. I don’t know that Barry did, come to †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Gavin’s voice broke. Horrified and embarrassed, he bowed his flushing face over his plate. There was a hard chunk of grief in his throat and he couldn’t shift it. Kay’s chair legs scraped on the floor; he hoped that she was off to the bathroom, but then felt her arms around his shoulders, drawing him to her. Without thinking, he put a single arm around her, too. It was so good to be held. If only their relationship could be distilled into simple, wordless gestures of comfort. Why had humans ever learned to talk? He had dribbled snot onto the back of her top. ‘Sorry,’ he said thickly, wiping it away with his napkin. He withdrew from her and blew his nose. She dragged her chair to sit beside him and put a hand on his arm. He liked her so much better when she was silent, and her face was soft and concerned, as it was now. ‘I still can’t †¦ he was a good bloke,’ he said. ‘Barry. He was a good bloke.’ ‘Yes, everyone says that about him,’ said Kay. She had never been allowed to meet this famous Barry Fairbrother, but she was intrigued by the show of emotion from Gavin, and by the person who had caused it. ‘Was he funny?’ she asked, because she could imagine Gavin in thrall to a comedian, to a rowdy ringleader, propping up the bar. ‘Yeah, I s’pose. Well, not particularly. Normal. He liked a laugh †¦ but he was just such a †¦ such a nice bloke. He liked people, you know?’ She waited, but Gavin did not seem able to elucidate further on the niceness of Barry. ‘And the kids †¦ and Mary †¦ poor Mary †¦ God, you’ve got no idea.’ Kay continued to pat his arm gently, but her sympathy had chilled a little. No idea, she thought, what it was to be alone? No idea how hard it was to be left in sole charge of a family? Where was his pity for her, Kay? ‘They were really happy,’ said Gavin, in a cracked voice. ‘She’s in pieces.’ Wordlessly, Kay stroked his arm, reflecting that she had never been able to afford to go to pieces. ‘I’m all right,’ he said, wiping his nose on his napkin and picking up his fork. By the smallest of twitches, he indicated that she should remove her hand. How to cite Part Two Chapter III, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Anne Carsons Manipulation of Fragments of Sappho free essay sample

In the translation of the remaining fragments of Sappho, the readers of the text can only view Sappho through a narrow lens. Anne Carson’s translation of Sappho’s poetry creates a perspective through which the readers are at the mercy of her editorial choices. Because most of Sappho’s poetry has been lost, translating it into English in a comprehensible way is very difficult. Carson states that, â€Å"on a papyrus roll the text is written in columns, without word division, punctuation or lineation. To read such a text is hard even when it comes to us in its entirety and most papyri don’t† (Carson ix). Carson’s insertion of word division, punctuation and lineation into the English translation of Sappho’s poetry as a result, may, and probably did, change the meaning, underlying message, or understanding of her thoughts. Carson has â€Å"sometimes manipulated it’s spacing on the page, to restore a hint of musicality or suggest syntactic motion† (Carson xi). The question now is: did Sappho’s remaining poetry need the assistance of Carson to retain its musicality? Or is Carson’s manipulation of the text masking other intent? Anne Carson is known to be reticent regarding her personal life, but her scholarly life has been linked with the subject of eroticism and same sex relations. Some of Carson’s works have become Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) totems, in which the LGBTQ community views her as an advocate for desire, eroticism, and intensity. So much so, that her book Eros of the Bittersweet was heavily discussed in the pilot episode of the L Word, a popular television series that follows the lives and loves of a small, close-knit group of lesbians living in Los Angeles. In this scene, two women who are flirting casually bring up Anne Carson and how her books have â€Å"practically changed my [her] life† (â€Å"The L Word† Season 1 Episode 1). Within the next few minutes these two characters were engaging in sexual acts in a nearby bathroom. Here, Carson’s literature was the motivation for these women to engage in erotic behaviors. Due to the popularity of her texts, which depict the â€Å"extremes of passion and eroticism,† Carson has developed a large following that look to ancient Greek literature to support their views on same sex relations and eroticism (Smith par. ). This following has made Anne Carson significant enough to discuss on the small screen. Carson’s tendency to incorporate or enhance eroticism in her works is evident in her translations of the remaining fragments of Sappho. â€Å"129A but me you have forgotten. † â€Å"129B or you love some man more than me† (Carson 263). These two fr agments were originally on two different columns on the original Greek papyrus, however, Carson intentionally places these two thoughts on the same page in the English translation to invoke emotion from the reader. Upon reading this translation, the average reader would believe that Sappho is heart-broken over someone who has forgotten her and moved on to a different lover. The placement of these fragments on the same page implies that the love that Sappho speaks of is a female that loves a man more than Sappho. Carson’s editorial choice in this instance makes the reader pity Sappho for she is seen of as less valued than a man to her previous lover. The depiction of Sappho’s unrequited love is indicative of Sappho’s erotic behavior that has been continually depicted in the text. Sappho’s unrequited desire for other women is further expressed: I want ] of desire ] for when I look at you ]such a Hermione ]and to yellowhaired Helen I liken you ] ]among mortal women, know this ]from every care ]you could release me ] ]dewy riverbanks ]to last all night long† (Carson 41-43). From this fragment, it seems as if Sappho is physically attracted to Helen of Troy and would like to engage to in sexual intercourse with her. Sappho states, â€Å"from every care/ you could release me†¦to last all night long. † Her thoughts are already quite controversial without the editorial manipulation of Carson for they infer that that having sex all night long could lead to a sexual climax or release. This sex would be so earth shattering that they would release Sappho from â€Å"every care,† which could be societal boundaries, cultural norms or gender norms. Carson’s insertion of a comma between â€Å"among mortal women, know this,† however changes the meaning of this fragment entirely. This comma causes the reader to pause when reading Sappho’s thoughts and think that the following thoughts of engaging in sexual intercourse are directed solely to Helen. It is unknown as to whether Sappho intended for her thoughts of sexual desires to be directed toward Helen because the spacing before this phrase suggests that there is a line of poetry missing. Therefore, the insertion comma is critical to the reader’s understanding of Sappho’s desires and whom it is directed towards. With this comma, we understand that Sappho would like to break away from societal and cultural norms and engage in sexual relations with another woman. Without this comma, it is unknown as to who she yearns for, whether a man or woman. Carson assumes that Sappho wants to engage in sexual intercourse with a woman, when in fact it will forever be questionable as to who she directed these thoughts towards. Her strategic manipulation of punctuation proves that Sappho yearns for a female when in fact, there is nothing to substantiate these claims. Editorial manipulation clearly changes the way in which readers comprehend the meanings of a text. This is seen in Anne Carson’s translation of Sappho’s remaining poetry, where she controlled the way in which Sappho was portrayed to modern day society: as a highly sensual and erotic woman who engaged in same sex relations. Therefore, you can see that Carson inserts her own biases or predilections to depict Sappho as desiring or yearning women.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Approaches to the study of Religion Essays

Approaches to the study of Religion Essays Approaches to the study of Religion Essay Approaches to the study of Religion Essay We can state that there are different attacks that can be taken when analyzing faith. For the last four decennaries universities and schools have been moving in response to a changeless, steady demand for classs upon the survey of faith.The people who take these classs are normally involved in faith themselves, many are involved a in spiritual communities or, wishing to cognize more and larn sing the spiritual beliefs of others. Others have no clear vision upon their spiritual individuality and are seeking possible traditions, ready to run into their religious geographic expedition.So they start looking for different attacks to their survey, conveying along different sentiments and whatever the procedure and methodological analysis is, will convey them information from which finally they will happen replies or give sentiment. ( Peter Connolly, pp1-2Approche to the Study of Religion, Biddles L.T.D. ) The writer will try to measure the strengths and failing of two attacks to faith and seek to compare the work of the two representations and their methodological analysis.The first is Professor Ninian Smart as he wrote widely, sing different subjects in faiths, with documents and articles looking in a huge scope of publication sand telecasting worldwide developing his ain vision and doctrine of human advancement and religious development. The other is Sri Aurobindo who brought a alteration to the vision of development of life into the deity of life, In his ain words: Man is on a transitorily transition. He is non concluding. The phase from adult male to super being is the following which depends from the attack of the accomplishment on the development on Earth. It is the logic of Nature s procedure . The plant of both Sri Aurobindo and Ninian Smart shows two drastic and wholly different attacks to faith. The writer as portion of his grade class has studied these two immensely differing attacks. Ninian Smart s attack to faith is described in his academic literature as a wholly new manner to the thought of faith. He exemplify the debut of Phenomenology stating, a batch of sentiments have been written about non merely the physical interchange of races but ; , besides cultural and cultural, and particularly upon values, so what take topographic point when faiths and their tradition convene? Will the globalisation lead to a sort of cosmopolitan faith, as anticipation might take, or it will be turned in a lively assortment of many different beliefs? Smart contemplated these inquiry for many old ages look intoing assorted faiths in the universe. He explains that such experience decidedly will alter places on old positions sing spiritual tradition. It may possibly escalate your spiritual experience. It all depends on the individual you are and the personal period of life you are traveling through. ( Scott London, the hereafter of faith an Interview with Ninian Smart June 1999 issue ofThe Witnessmagazine. ) We can corroborate that the method of survey that Smart used in his attack grok both external and internal analysis of faith, characterized by phenomenological positions. ( James L.Cox, p.159.A usher to the Phenomenology of faith.key figure, formative influence and subsequent argument. Continuum International printing group.2006. ) Of class the phenomenological attack employed by Smart can be interpreted as an effort of taking into consideration the single experience of faith a at the same clip seeking to divide from it. The method used was to compare the subjective experience with the purpose of determining the agreement of faith itself from within the construction. This attack can be better understood in his ritual dimension engagement with worshipping, speculations, pilgrims journeies, forfeits and mending activities.Of class doctrinal and philosophical dimension is to be taken in consideration without populating behind the experimental and emotional dimension and the of import ethical and legal dimension. ( Ninian Smart, pp10-12, Dimension of the sacred an anatomy of the universe s beliefs, Harper Collins Publisher 1196 ) We see from Smart s classifactory history The Experiential and Emotional Dimension The Narrative or Mythic Dimension The Doctrinal The Philosophical Dimension The Ethical and Legal Dimension The Social and Institutional Dimension The Material Dimension The Practical and ritual dimensions ( BBC.Religion ) Smart s position in prolonging a phenomenological perceptual experience to the methodological analysis of attack to the survey, is far different from the attack that Sri Aurobindo usage. First of all we have to state that both, Smart and Aurobindo have non defined faith from nonsubjective point of position but instead to find faith in footings of its ain value. Both methods tried to avoid the phenomenological attack. Personal experience is important to any apprehension of faith.On this peculiar history Aurobindo discovers the relation or brotherhood, he favours, what he identifies as religious psychological science and built-in methods, but for both he confirms that the aim is to be understood and interpreted in footings of subjective. ( D P Chattopadhyaya p1integral sociology and dialectical sociology, Shri Jainedra imperativeness 1976 ) From its attack, we understand that Sri Aurobindo begins his work clearly within spiritual chance, peculiarly his ain relation with yoga, he explains ; the pattern is non for ourselves entirely, but for the Divine ; The purpose is to happen business of good in the universe, to outcome a religious transition and to convey down a godly nature and a godly life into the mental, critical and physical nature and life of humanity. Its object is non personal, although is a necessary status of the yoga. So with Aurobindo is clear the end is more straight mystical, to became one with the Godhead. ( Michael T.Mclaughlin, p96, Editrice Ponteficia Universita` Grecoriana Roma 2003 ) In many occasions he confirmed that he does non mean to advance any old faith or to happen a new one and he strongly oppose spiritual particolarism. So he is suggesting a mystical end and from his yogistic instructions he guides, shows and achieves that. ( Stephen H.Phillips.p79, Aurobindo`s Philosophyof Brahman, E.J.Brill Leiden 1986 ) The strength of Smart can be seen that he does non wish to deprive faith or faith down to one or two elements say belief in The Virgin Birth and the tenet of out with the church there is no redemption but his classificatory history makes it clear that it has many elements and strands. A unfavorable judgment of his attack is that it is far to scientific and while get downing from the experiential and emotional he shortly slips back into seeking to seek common subjects within all faiths Aurobindo did non merely lodge to an immanental experience of a Godhead being but that there must be transcendency within the persons life which is seen in Auroville with a lived attack to 1s faith instead like that which is common within Charismatic and Evangelical Churches. A unfavorable judgment of Aurobindo s position may be seen that it seeks to stay within faith itself, similar to that of Smart as they both emphasise the importance of the experience of faith, a personal contact with God or Gods, nevertheless within Marxism we can see a move off from this spiritual experience. Aurobindo offers no counsel upon other faiths as his history is strictly personal. So how would Aurobindo address inquiries upon doctrine say within the New Testament? These inquiries within Smarts Classifactory history would assist to specify a faith. For illustration different sentiments sing the Three between Roman Catholics and Jehovah Witnesses. Besides we can see the beliefs, symbolim and instruction s of Auroville suiting weel within the above detailed classifacations of Smart s dimensions of faith Can we genuinely compare two wholly different positions religion one really internal the other really ocular? Is Sri Aurobindo genuinely internal when we have the community of Auroville and a civilization around him? Can we categorise all faiths within Ninian Smart definitions? We may reason stating that maybe faiths will neer unite in to one planetary religion, but we do believe that the society is traveling towards a planetary political orientation that have a infinite for faith and place the parts of the diverse ethnicity and traditions and convey a new manner in assisting us to work together for the support of human values and spiritualty. What may be the manner frontward in the instruction and definition of faith is to accept the uniqueness of each faith and each persons faith and seek ways in which they can be accommodated within a safe international environment that moves off from empirical definitions.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Once And Future King-- The Ill-Made Knight

The Once and Future King â€Å"The Ill-Made Knight† by, T. H. White I. Characters A. Lancelot 1. Not very attractive. 2. Sleeps with Elaine and ends up with a child, whom he does not claim. 3. The best knight in the world until his son, Galahad, comes of age. B. Guenever 1. Loves Arthur a lot although their marriage was â€Å"made†. 2. Has an affair with Lancelot. 3. Accused of treason by Sir Mador de la Porte after Sir Patrick dies by eating a poisoned apple, intended for Gawaine. C. Gareth 1. The youngest of the Orkney faction to come to court twenty-one years after Arthur assumes the throne as King. 2. Has a moment of remembrance of the unicorn, when Arthur mentions the killing of Lamorak, by his brothers. 3. He first comes to Camelot as a kitchen page and Arthur knights him in the end. D. Mordred 1. Arthur’s illegitimate son. 2. Comes to court before Gareth. 3. Comes to Arthur and asks for forgiveness with Agravaine after they kill their mother and Lamorak. E. Lamorak 1. King Pellinore’s son. 2. Murdered by Agravaine and Mordred after they catch him in bed with their mother. 3. Slept with Morgause to get revenge on the Orkney faction for murdering his father after the accidental death of their father. F. Galahad 1. Lancelot’s son with Elaine. 2. Unhorses Lancelot numerous times in tilting matches. 3. Becomes the best knight in the world, after he beats his father, Lancelot. G. Sir Lionel 1. Lancelot’s cousin. 2. Returns to court, in a fury, to explain to Arthur about his brothers morals. 3. He tells of the trials his brother performs and how he tried to kill him. H. Elaine 1. Saved by Lancelot from a boiling basin of water. 2. Mother of Lancelot’s son, Galahad. 3. Tricks ... Free Essays on The Once And Future King-- The Ill-Made Knight Free Essays on The Once And Future King The Ill-Made Knight The Once and Future King â€Å"The Ill-Made Knight† by, T. H. White I. Characters A. Lancelot 1. Not very attractive. 2. Sleeps with Elaine and ends up with a child, whom he does not claim. 3. The best knight in the world until his son, Galahad, comes of age. B. Guenever 1. Loves Arthur a lot although their marriage was â€Å"made†. 2. Has an affair with Lancelot. 3. Accused of treason by Sir Mador de la Porte after Sir Patrick dies by eating a poisoned apple, intended for Gawaine. C. Gareth 1. The youngest of the Orkney faction to come to court twenty-one years after Arthur assumes the throne as King. 2. Has a moment of remembrance of the unicorn, when Arthur mentions the killing of Lamorak, by his brothers. 3. He first comes to Camelot as a kitchen page and Arthur knights him in the end. D. Mordred 1. Arthur’s illegitimate son. 2. Comes to court before Gareth. 3. Comes to Arthur and asks for forgiveness with Agravaine after they kill their mother and Lamorak. E. Lamorak 1. King Pellinore’s son. 2. Murdered by Agravaine and Mordred after they catch him in bed with their mother. 3. Slept with Morgause to get revenge on the Orkney faction for murdering his father after the accidental death of their father. F. Galahad 1. Lancelot’s son with Elaine. 2. Unhorses Lancelot numerous times in tilting matches. 3. Becomes the best knight in the world, after he beats his father, Lancelot. G. Sir Lionel 1. Lancelot’s cousin. 2. Returns to court, in a fury, to explain to Arthur about his brothers morals. 3. He tells of the trials his brother performs and how he tried to kill him. H. Elaine 1. Saved by Lancelot from a boiling basin of water. 2. Mother of Lancelot’s son, Galahad. 3. Tricks ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Zoo Species Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Zoo Species Project - Research Paper Example Zoo Species Project Species are the smallest taxonomic division in biological classifications and is the level of classification with which an organism is identified as a distinct living or non- living organism over the earth’s surface. This is usually done by using the most salient and distinctive features that only such category of organisms possess on earth. The other taxonomic groups used in the classification of organisms include phylum, class, order, sub- order, family and genus to the kingdom and species at the extreme ends. This essay will cover the salient characteristics of the three identified species of, the okapi, the Komodo dragon, and the Double wattle cassowary. Okapi The okapi species can be taxonomically grouped to the Kingdom animalia, phylum chordata, class mammalia, order antiodactyla, sub- order ruminantia, family giraffidae, genus Giraffa carmelopardalis, and in the species Okapia johnstoni. The okapi is an herbivorous animal most common in tropical mountain forests of Afri ca. The animals are mainly common in central African tropical forests that have the favourable climatic conditions for the deer- like animals (Trooper and Murphy). They are mainly common in the Congo forest at an altitude of about 500 to 1000 meters above the sea level with most of them occupying areas with an altitude of 800 meters above the sea level mostly predominant in the Ituri forest of the DRC Congo. The animals can also be found in areas with slowly flowing waters. (Wood). Wood further notices in his book, The Guinness Book of Animal Facts that the okapis look similar to the giraffes having the long giraffe- like neck which not only help it reach out for leaves in the tall tropical forests but also useful in defence against the potential predators such as the lion, cheetahs, and other carnivorous predators. They have brown fur with white strips on their hind limbs and on the rear ends as the zebra that enables them to camouflage easily among the tall trees away from the pre dating animals. The animal is one of the only surviving ancestors of the giraffe family. The okapi is a very shy animal that is seldom seen by human beings. They spend most of their times in the forests usually very deep in the tropical forests where people seldom visit (Wood). Nearly a fifth of the tropical rainforest of the central Africa houses the okapi species. However, the number has been greatly threatened by the rapid rates of destruction caused by man on the tropical forests especially by deforestation leading to the ever-diminishing number of the okapi in Africa. As Eric and Laurie note in their book Windows to the Evolution of Diversity, the okapi is most active during the day and are mostly rendered inactive as the darkness approach. The animals like solitary lives during their lifetime and rarely walk, live or feed in colonies like the baboons or monkeys even though they sometimes feed together in groups just for a short period of time (Eric and Laurie). The animal is k nown to be feeding on over a hundred plant species some of which are considered poisonous to human being and other animals. They have long tongues that help them in feeding by increasing their heights enabling them to feed on tall plants. The gestation period for the female okapi is around sixteen months over which the females spend lots of their time in the thick woodlands deep in the forest certainly for the sake of the security of the pregnant female and the lamb after birth. Further, Trooper and Murphy underscore that these animals give birth to