Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cultural Diversity And Subcultures In The United States Essay

Cultural Diversity And Subcultures In The United States - Essay Example It is interesting to consider the process by which a subculture acclimates to life in the United States. Some may choose to hold fast to as many of their native values and traditions as possible while others may quickly forget who they used to be in exchange for adopting as American customs and value as quickly as possible. Still, others strive for that balance between being proud of their own heritage and accepting that they need to adapt to their new way of life in America. Much research has been conducted on this topic, particularly, in terms of how adolescents acculturate to American culture. Perhaps the two most dominant cultures forming a subculture in the United States would be those from an Asian culture and those of the Hispanic heritage. Since 1965, for example, there has been a steady increase in the number of Korean Americans residing in the country. They are predominately located in California and New York, forming their own subculture in many areas of Los Angeles and New York City, in addition to other pockets around the country as well. Koreans have very strong bonds with their family, and they have a strong sense of Asian values. Research has shown that they largely maintain these customs when living in America. Korean parents often teach their children Korean language, history, morals and general customs. As such, Korean youth is torn between accepting the values and mores of their host culture, while maintaining their strong Asian heritage that their parents are working so hard to protect. An interesting component of this is that South Korean has adopted many western values of their own, such as materialism that has made

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Accounting Theory and Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Accounting Theory and Practice - Essay Example e paper focuses on the difficulties and huddles facing the harmonization of accounting standards and practices and provides a possible solution to the problems it is facing. The paper also discusses the various economical issues that deal with intangible assets in an organization. It states the ways in which intangible assets are valued and how they positively and negatively affect the financial statement and status of the organization. The paper further discusses the implementation of the code of corporate governance by using Omantel Company as a case study. It also evaluates how the company has implemented a code of corporate governance. The harmonization of the standards and practices of accounts all over the world is the process of bringing together concepts of accounting to a common position. In the world, every country and organization has its own practices and standards of accounting. The harmonization of accounting standards all over the world has been a major concern especially among professionals in accounting. This process involves the convergence of different international accounting standards with the aim of coming up with a similar financial statement all over the world. The harmonization of accounting standards has been a major concern among countries that are involved in trading activities with countries with different accounting standards. Because of the difficulties that come along with varying accounting standards, professionals see the need of harmonizing the accounting standards so as to make trading processes easier Ashley, Leatherbury, Machuca and Philips, 2012). If the accounting standards in the world are converged together, the economy of the world will be in a good position in several ways. The coming up with financial statements would be much easier because only a common standard would be used in making the report. As for now, coming up with one financial report statement is difficult because of the use of different accounting